A little bit more than a month has passed since the release of our new album THIS DARKNESS FEELS ALIVE!
We've received great support and commentaries from press, media and our most loyal fans! Here you can read some of the reviews of our second album:
Ha pasado un poco más de un mes desde el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo disco THIS DARKNESS FEELS ALIVE!
Hemos recibido muy buenos comentarios de la prensa, medios, y nuestros más leales fans! Aquí puedes ver un compilado de las reseñas de nuestro segundo álbum:
1. THRALLS OF METAL: Score: 4/5
"(...) This was a hell of a listen to be honest!! I was quite surprised with all the sounds they're trying to reach and the ability to make transitions between Death and Thrash, and Rock and Groove, and Prog; it's all buttery smooth, the riffs are very entertaining and there is non-stop riffs!!"
"Overtoun goes for the eardrums (and heartstrings) as they use their death-thrash to explore the darkness of life. With growling vocals roaring out, the guitar lets loose a vibrant, playful aggression – musical tones that are overwhelming with anger, but also catchy enough to mosh to"
"I think that this is a very good release that is extremely memorable. I really enjoy the drumming and guitar work in this album. Listen to this album if you haven't already, it is amazing"
4. RIFF OF METAL; Score 4.2/5
"(...) el álbum es bueno, bien trabajado y producido, que dejará complacido a quien se dé la oportunidad de disfrutar cada tema, dejándose llevar por los excelentes ritmos, riffs y cambios de tempo, así como el dinamismo. Puedo asegurar que un par de canciones se sumarán a su playlist, y me atrevo a decir que aquí hay un exponente importante a nivel continental del género"
"Overtoun logra entregarnos un disco soberbio, donde el equilibrio es el indicado, nada es saturado, empalagoso por el contrario, lo entregado en This Darkness Feels Alive es calidad pura (...) Encontramos Death, Thrash, Progressive, momentos llenos de Groove, instantes calmos y otros llenos de una virulencia ceñida, eso es Overtoun un salto al vacío y en ese camino nos inyecta de vertientes llenas de pasión, de cambios, para sumergirnos en el espacio más recóndito y profundo de la mente humana"
"These albums features some awesome riffs, both fast and slow. The riffs have a grindcore feel to them, and I really like that. The vocals here are also good. There are both low growls and also some high shrieks that remind me of black metal. In addition, the drums were excellent."