NUEVO MERCH!!! Porque ustedes lo pidieron, anunciamos la preventa de nuestros polerones Overtoun para el invierno ❄️ Si quieres ser de lxs primerxs en tenerlo, ve a nuestra tienda online 📩 y te lo podrás llevar al precio oferta. Tienes hasta el 23 de junio!!!! 🔥🔥 Los polerones se despachan a fines de junio 🤟🏻 ◆ NEW MERCH ITEM!!! Because you asked for it, we announce the pre-sale of our Overtoun zip hoodies ❄️ If you want to be one of the first to have it, run to our shop and you can take it at the sale price. You have until June 23th to sign up!!!!
Expected delivery by the end of June ◆ Design: @jofreconjota #overtoun #metal #thisdarknessfeelsalive #store #Metalchileno #Merch #hoodie #merchandising #sale #metaloutfit #outfit #outerwear #metalhead #Metalclothing #clothing #thrashmetal #deathmetal #metaldesign #dark #gothicoutfit #darkness #winter