AMIGXS! Sus polerones ya se están fabricando 🔥 Esperamos entregarlos lo antes posible a todxs quienes reservaron su preventa 😈
La variante blanca tuvo que ser cambiada a polerón canguro por falta de stock del distribuidor. Quienes reservaron ya fueron notificados 🙏 Agradecemos su comprensión!
Si no alcanzaste a adquirir la preventa escríbenos de todas formas al DM! 📩 Enviamos a todo el mundo 😈 Muchas gracias por apoyarnos!
FRIENDS!! Your hoodies are already being made 🔥 We hope to deliver them as soon as possible to everyone who reserved their presale 😈
The white variant had to be changed to a pullover hoodie due to lack of stock from the dealer. Those who reserved them have already been notified 🙏 We appreciate your understanding!
If you didn't manage to get the presale just send us a DM! 📩 We ship worldwide 😈 Thank you very much for your support!
#overtoun #Music #Metal #thisdarknessfeelsalive #merch #Merchandise #band #Metalband #musician #outerwear #winter #overtounmetal #metalheads #metalclothing #metaloutfit #dark #gothic #clothing #headbanger #extrememetal #deathmetal #thrashmetal #thrasher